Nonprofit Organization · Community Centre · Community Organisation
Meet the Admin team

Wayne McDonald
Wayne McDonald has brought to the Corporation more than 30 years’ experience working in Aboriginal Affairs with State and Federal Governments and Aboriginal organisations, commencing with Bundiyarra as a volunteer in early 2019 after retiring from the Department of Communities,
He has a thorough knowledge of regional communities and the people living in the regions, with a proven record of delivering economic development outcomes and activities. Wayne is a former tourism consultant and has a Certificate IV in Small Business, Certificate IV Workplace Assessor and Trainer, and also a Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs.
He is a founding member of the Midwest Aboriginal Organisations Alliance (MAOA) which is a peak group of Aboriginal Corporations who meet monthly to support each other in the Midwest, Murchison regions. His goal as CEO of Bundiyarra is to achieve outcomes in all service delivery areas for the members of the Corporation and wider community.

Zain Laudehr-May
Programs Manager
Zain was born and raised in Geraldton and is a well-known face around town.
Before working at Bundiyarra he worked at Streeties as Operations Manager, and has worked in youth work services for 20 years before starting his own consultancy business,
Zain is Bundiyarra's program manager, including across the Environmental Health Team and Irra Wangga Language Centre.
He enjoys giving back to his community and is a very talented singer so keep an eye out for him at Bundiyarra events - and gigs around Geraldton!

Kelly Robertson
Office Manager
Kelly Robertson supports the Environmental Health Team, the CEO and Programs Manager.
Her other role is as Program Coordinator for the Indigenous Youth Connection to Culture (IYCC) program.
Kelly brings a wealth of experience to the coordinator role as a qualified Family Therapist and Youth Worker.
After seven-and-a-half years in Perth, Kelly has returned to her hometown of Geraldton with her family.
With long-time ties to Bundiyarra - her mother Leeanne Robertson was the organisation's original bookkeeper - Kelly is pleased to be back on familiar ground where she can help her community.